Monday, February 2, 2009

Much more happening...

This was a christmas gift from Gabby and Poppy and Katherine used it at Dryver's b-day bash. We had so much fun!
Addilyn eating birthday cake. She won't be a rookie at eating cake by her 1st birthday! Don't you just love her pearls...little prissy!
We can't crawl yet, but we can drink from a sippy! She is what I like to call a scooter in the mobility department!
And just a little added bonus...Rocker Babe!

Keep reading to the next blog we have more!
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Let's play catch up!!!

Random, but this is a view from our living room! Welcome to East Texas and a little bit of heaven! So peaceful and when the sun can't help but say thank you Lord!
A little outing to the Discovery Science Place. Keatyn loved it...Addilyn, the jury is still out!
I attacked her face with my fingernail...she is still adorable!
And a trip to the Brookshire's Wildlife Museum for Dryver's B-day! And yes, Keatyn is in a sling. She had a little mishap wrestling with her daddy! So sad for both of them.
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