Thursday, March 19, 2009

His Provisions...Perfection Indeed!

I worry...maybe not a lot, but I do worry. So I was discussing this with a good friend of mine and she gave me the suggestion of the "worry box". I talked about it for some time, but one day in the midst of a recent worry, decided to make it a real part of my life. I have a box that sits in my living room that is pretty and perfect for all my worries to be housed! I started to write down my current worries during my time with the Lord and I placed them ever so gently into the box. Nothing magical happened, but something spiritual did...I began to see in the next few days that a burden of worry had been lifted. Now the actual issues still existed, but I knew in my heart that the Lord had them in his possession now and that they were not initially from him! I know where worry comes from and have decided that it can just take itself back there!!!! I have seen my prayer life begin to increase and my concerns for the uncontrollable...decrease!

One example I would like to give you is this...I have really been struggling with the fact that I have not been able to contribute monetarily to our family since I began to stay at home with my girls. I had desires to do things with them during the week, but didn't feel great about where the money would be coming from. Not that all activities have to cost, but some did and I wanted to do them without feeling guilty. So I put it in the worry box. I began to ask around about job possibilities that would be the perfect job for were the needs...decent pay, local, part time and the most important need...childcare! I know, this sounds like the perfect job that could never be found...well, yes in our own human eyes, but the Lord has our best at heart and has provisions ready! A good friend ( the worry box friend) suggested a job with our she began to tell me, my ears began to perk as the expectations that I had were beginning to be met...each of the items listed above got a check next to I applied and released it to the worry box. I had decided that it was not mine to worry about and that if this were not the job for me there was one waiting or other provisions that I couldn't see. ....... I started the job on Tuesday and so far, I love it. I will make a little bit of money that I can use for the girls and myself and still be with the girls. Stephen is super supportive and I am truly grateful.

All this to say...He is Lord and wants the very best for us and he is perfection and has a plan!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Her very first haircut...

Keatyn got her very first haircut just last week. She has needed it for some time but I had a hard time figuring out how you do that with two kiddos. Thanks Gabby for helping out!
So much healthier!

And this was just for fun! We straightened Keatyn hair for church on Sunday. She got quite the head turns for it too! It was actually rather beautiful!

I lost my usb cable...

I lost the usb cable to my camera and so hence the delay in blogging...I have really actually had the time and thought I could just stick the camera disk in my computer, but no such here are some of the latest activities...
Our valentines gift to Stephen. Dinner for four! and some sweet little hearts that said why we love daddy!
Stephen was on a ski trip for Valentine's Day so I invited some of my girlfriends (whose husbands were also working or out of town) over for a little bash. It was somewhat chaotic if you ask me, but fun!
We took a trip (thanks to Katherine's free tickets) to the waterpark at The Villages. We had a really great time. The kids loved it...even Addilyn!
Snack time!
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