To my faithful readers...I sincerely apologize!!!!!
I have officially been HORRIBLE about keeping up with my blog. I'm not sure why because I love reading everyone elses and I have some really fun pictures to update. Summer has officially started for our little household, so maybe I'll have a few free mornings to do my blogging each week.
We have had a lot going on in fact, I'll have to post twice. I promise I'll do it close together...I promise!
We went to the Kenny Chesney concert in Shreveport and had a ball! The Lays' took their Winnebego (who knows if i spelled that right) and so we got to ride comfortably to Shreveport, set up camp and the men cooked an amazing dinner before the concert...actually the men cleaned up the mess too. Thanks guys!!!! It quickly became what I like call "Ladies Night"!!!!
Memorial Day weekend, we were supposed to make a trip to Waco, but Addilyn got a horrible skin rash that has circulated through the entire town I think...luckily she is doing better at this point and life is back to normal...BUT because our little plans were changed, we had to make the most of it. We took a little trip to Lowes to buy all the necessary items to make for a day in the yard. The girls were thrilled...actually Keatyn really was because she got to pick out PINK flowers. That makes any trip to Lowes fun!
On Saturday, the Lays' had their annual Memorial Day bash, so I took Keatyn so she could hang out with her friends. Stephen stayed at home with Addilyn who was still on lockdown! Poor thing. The whole weekend was filled with one of us being with her at home. But don't think that stopped us from having a good weekend. We are so excited to reschedule our trip to Waco!!!!
When I read on Facebook that you were going to see "Kenny" I had two thoughts...
1. Is Kenny Rogers still alive?
2. Beth is really too cool to go to a Kenny G concert.
I realize I am a large dork who is a bit out of the loop of the current country music scene! Oh well!
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